Orientation & Creche Management

This is a non-accredited course. However, some modules covered do align with SAQA credits.


3 days

At the conclusion of the course, delegates will be given a self-test to complete and submit within 14 days. Once self-tests have been assessed and moderated, a certificate of attendance and competence is issued.

Purpose of this short course:

The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the basic minimal requirements of running an ECD centre and lays the foundation for good ECD teaching practice.

Recipients of this skills course will know:

  1. What administration measures they need to implement and adhere to; and understand the need for these measures.
  2. What is expected of them as ECD educators.
  3. How to plan and lay out a classroom.
  4. How to support nutrition, health and safety in the ECD programme.
  5. How to implement the ECD learning programme.


Module 1: The need for Early Childhood Development

  1. Why and what is ECD
  2. How children develop
  3. An ECD Educator

Module 2: Requirements for an ECD Centre

  1. General Requirements for Premises
  2. Organising the Classroom

Module 3: Registration and Record-Keeping

  1. Application Forms and Registration
  2. Medical Records
  3. Daily Attendance Registers and Incident Book

Module 4: Health and Safety

  1. Safety on the Premises
  2. Basic First Aid Requirements
  3. Nutrition
  4. Hygiene

Module 5: Planning Daily Activities

  1. Daily Program
  2. Activities
  3. Visual Aids